Unloading containerised flows, inspecting the goods to check their condition and then palletising them according to our customers’ instructions.
Loading goods into containers for transport. Stuffing also includes the following operations:
- Container optimisation
- Cushioning
- Container insulation (insulating materials)
Order picking
By the carton, pallet or piece, according to our customers’ instructions. Orders can be prepared by picking, by item or by box.
Separation and classification of items according to our customers’ instructions (colour, item type, size, etc.), then grouping of goods on pallets to facilitate transport and storage.
Package labeling that will allow precise identification and traceability
Additional services
- Labelling: affixing labels to products for identification and traceability.
- Measure: Taking the dimensions of parcels or pallets.
- Weighing: Checking the weight of goods for tracking and transport.
- Repackaging: Repackaging or modifying product packaging to meet specific requirements.